Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How much it affects the font to our website

Every time we face designing a web project we unleash our creativity and ambition that our product stands out from the others, if this is the most logical and is what gives more value added to our work, but it splurged imagination that is anchored to a dwindling number of rules and   reductionist   our abstraction.

For a proper understanding and reading by the user is recommended to use a power stick either Arial, Verdana, Comic Sans or Trebuchet,   are clear and do not use serifs - avoid these past-the Times New Roman is an example of ornamental safari widely used as a result alters the writing on computer, because this is based on square pixels deforming the visibility of this and bothering the already sacrificed Reader stance and vision at the computer.

Ash!, Say an experienced when reading The New York Times Web version, which uses in its logo safari source, which would be a counter-argument for me writing, but where lies the usability and power which gives this award; in the size of the source, being a big title can comfortably visible, but if you pursue the reading of the articles you may notice that the letter changes to a stick, which uses a smaller and our inclement standard is ratified.

Then? One would wonder ... is not all that hard if your design is personal, to let you know, show your portfolio and your skills, this rule is flexible, allowing you to be free to use your favorite fonts.
Returning again, this rule applies to pages web news, business, e-commerce and services. For better implementation of the standard where I recommend visiting www.typetester.org help us visualize our writing structure by applying different   fonts and sizes.

Finally the pixel 20-30 degrees, the body of written pixel 11-12, 8-9 footers pixel and for  use Paragraphs maximum of 7 lines apply as avoiding newspapers less parsimonious and exhausting read, remember not all have the same visual ability and dedication reading, which would result in more time from the user on our site.

1 comment:

  1. Texas is very big state in which there are numbers of companies which are providing SEO and website design services for their clients and give proper platform for their business.

