Monday, September 30, 2013

My resource – design resources

“My resource” is very strange title to everyone. However, it would be essential for you if you want to become a web designer and coder. In web-designing process, you will find it difficult to looking for resources of vector, icon, brush, image of model and nature image, or even lectures, experience-sharing from the predecessors. In this writing, I will introduce several resources that I have been using in design and programming for Houston Web design firm and Austin Web Design Firm

Free font library – Dafont

Dafont currently has 12,486 fonts with various types such as hand-writing (Graffiti), common shape of letter, holiday font (Halloween, valentine) and numerous other types. Most fonts on dafont are free for downloading. You can donate fonts but you have to see the sharing regulations in the included Readme.txt file in zipped file for more details.
Free Icon – Iconfinder

With 155,756 uploaded icons and 810 created icons, this font is completely free. How great it is! I usually search and download free icons for my designs. Just simply type any keyword you want, for example, like heart, arrow, icon or Facebook, they are all available for free.

Free Vectors – Vecteezy

Founded in 2007 by Shawn, it quickly became a big website of sharing free vectors. With the slogan “Stupid Name. Cool Vector Art” Vecteezy collects various vector samples of designers from all over the world to form a huge resource for your needs. All vectors are free for downloading and used in your graphic design projects. However, you have to agree with the proposed regulations after downloading.

Free PSD Brushes – Brusheezy

This is another product of Shawn. Recently, there are 2 more people in charge of developing, Jonathan and Erin. With more than 1.2 million download each month, over one thousand members are working together in brusheezy. In addition to brush sample, this website provides all the patterns, actions, psd file, etc. Make sure that you will not ignore this resource in your designing process.

Free Image SXC

SXC was launched in February, 2012 as an alternative for those designers who cannot buy high-quality and expensive image from other websites.  The idea is to create a site where creative people could exchange their image to each other to looking for work inspiration. The website has a large community of over 2.5 million members; approximately 400,000 online images of 30,000 worldwide photographers were posted with different types (such as nature, material, architecture, etc.). Just simply search your keyword in English and use it for low web design cost.

Kuler Color

Covering the theme “Explore, create and share color themes” Kuler is a product of Adobe. It aims to create colorful collections and allow you to quickly choose favorite colors for your designs. With thousands of collections, Kuler is amazing website that you cannot ignore. This toolkit will be introduced clearly in the third lesson of series of colors in web design.

PSD Tutorials Plus

PSD belongs to the Envato system that possesses an active, creative and imaginative team from all over the world. They provide experience-sharing writing, video tutorials on Photoshop from basic to advanced level.

Web design Tutorials Plus

Webdesign+ belongs to Envato system but it is different from PSD+. With a creative and experienced team on WordPress, web design, html/css, they provide web design materials. Covering modern technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 and knowledge from basic to modern level and many other good tips, this website is waiting for you to discover.

This “design resource” is very abundant and in the next section, I will introduce “ideas source” – some places that you can learn about their experience and web designer’s creativeness.